5 dishes for 55 $ per day


We cook according to the author's recipes under the guidance of a team of nutritionists. Selected products and modern technologies provide excellent taste of our dishes. A wide range of programs that are suitable for both professional athletes and those who want to lose weight or just feel better.You can make an order every day, every other day,as you feel more comfortable, in a convenienthour interval. We deliverin reusable thermal packages.No more exhaustingshopping for food andpainstaking calorie counting.

Ready meals

With us, you don't need to cook, just enjoy your meal! You just have to warm up.

Saving time

Morning delivery in a 2-hour interval exactly there, to any point of the city where it is convenient for you!

Cost savings

Our diets are prepared from the best products. You don't have to spend money on doctors and medicines!

Free shipping

We will deliver your delicious and healthy diet throughout Moscow. Free shipping up to 100 km from MKAD.

How it works

Making out

Leave an order via the form on the website or order a callback and place an order by phone.


Our manager will contact you within 10-20 minutes to clarify and place an order.


We deliver the ration Monday - Friday from 8:00 to 11:00, Sunday - Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00.

reaching the goal

Achieve your goal and enjoy the results, eating right and tasty with us!



Delivery interval — 2 hours
Dishes on the menu— 130
Simple ingredients, including vegetables, poultry and beef, without fish.
55 $ / day

1500 kcal

Proteins — 86 g

Fats — 76 g

Carbohydrates — 135 g


Delivery interval — 30 minutes
Dishes on the menu — 140
Poultry, beef, seafood, various vegetables and fruits and berries.
150 $ / day

1500 kcal

Proteins — 91 g

Fats — 79 g

Carbohydrates — 110 g


Delivery interval — 1 hour
Dishes on the menu — 110
Cereals and legumes, chickpeas, tofu, mushrooms, various vegetables and fruits.
200 $ / day

1500 kcal

Proteins — 74 g

Fats — 78 g

Carbohydrates — 135 g

Frequently asked questions

Why is it profitable to eat Good Food?

By eating right with Simple Kitchen, you save money on visiting doctors and cosmetologists, buying medicines and decorative cosmetics. This non-obvious benefit is perhaps the most important. Just recalculate your budget after a month of constant meals with Simple Kitchen.

Can I be sure of the quality and safety of the products?

The quality of each dish strictly corresponds to the current GOST and TU and is confirmed by the relevant documents. The quality of the products from which we prepare passes three stages of checks. At each stage, all products undergo rigorous selection and rejection, and if it suddenly happens that some product does not meet the established standards and regulations, it is removed from cooking and replaced by another.

What is included in the price?

The cost of the diet directly depends on the quality of the products and the complexity of the dishes. We will do everything to make the path to a beautiful body comfortable for you: we will buy all the necessary products, develop recipes and prepare healthy dishes for you, count calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each dish, we will carefully pack everything in separate containers and deliver it to your door in an hour interval.

Can I suspend delivery?

Until 12:00 on the eve of the delivery day, you can cancel the delivery for free. Before 17:00 — change the address and time. You can also freeze food days for an unlimited period for free. You can continue eating at any time convenient for you.


contact us

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